Traveling Tuesdays
You’re hitting the road again.
Whether it’s the commute to work, a client meeting, or taking to the skies, don’t let getting from A to B stop you from ticking off A to Z.
Hybrid work enables us to work from anywhere
Employees around the world are finding that there are better ways to work flexibly. With advancements in technology and a cultural shift sparked by the pandemic, workers now acknowledge that collaboration and information no longer need to be settled in one specific physical location. Instead, 68% of knowledge workers now say that their ideal work week includes a hybrid of working from home and the office. However, this increase in work locations means that we will be more mobile than ever before. This creates the need for organizations to make sure their employees can remain connected even when moving between locations.
Commutes don’t need to be a waste of time
The data from Jabra’s Hybrid Ways of Working 2021 Global Report shows that “commute time” is a top concern for workers returning to the office. Prior to the pandemic, many people were used to spending well over an hour commuting each day. As such, one of the major benefits of WFH was that we could buy back more time each day that we used to spend commuting, giving us a better work-life balance.
With hybrid work, however, even though we’ll be traveling more between the office, home, and third workspaces, you can make flexible days a possibility, with professional calls from anywhere. All this requires is the right tools to keep you focused, connected, and included.
How technology can create a more flexible and inclusive workforce
Flexibility and inclusion aren’t a given in hybrid working. In fact, Jabra data shows that 28% of employees said they felt a decrease in team connection while working from home. While giving employees the autonomy to choose where and when they work can lead to major increases in motivation, performance, and job satisfaction, that autonomy needs to be supported by inclusive technology. Here are the top three ways employees believe technology will create a more inclusive workforce:
• Helping provide equal access across different environments (44%)
• Helping employees feel comfortable with virtual workspaces that are accessible anywhere (42%)
• Helping make everyone feel included and represented in meetings (41%)
Because employees want a flexible working future where they can move seamlessly between different work environments, more than half (55%) want personal technology to take with them wherever they wish to work. This means they’ll need technology that is flexible and can easily adapt to the environment in which they’re working.
Delivering the flexible hybrid experience
Instead of being responsible for buying their own technology, 68% of employees globally would prefer that their organization provide them with professional, standardized technology to make the hybrid experience equal across the organization, no matter where they’re working. Even on a noisy bus or train, wireless noise-cancelling audio devices like the Jabra Evolve2 75 will enable employees to maximize their hybrid working workspace options without sacrificing on productivity. This type of professional technology, which is engineered specifically for hybrid working, will make life easier for employees, managers, and IT decision-makers alike by keeping everyone connected, flexible, and productive in the hybrid future.